Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Blog . . . Why?

Good question! Since retiring approximately four years ago, I have repeatedly heard the question, "Now that you're retired, what do you do with all your free time?" My favorite answer is, "Now that I'm retired, I don't know how I had the time before to work !" The days do fly by, filled with doing whatever it is I want to do whenever I feel like doing it.

I've contemplated starting blogs in the past. At first, I was going to document my wooden model ship builds. Then with another, I was going to document various plastic World War II-era armor-related models. My daughter suggested the title "Fossil Knows Best" for a blog I thought about starting to record various and sundry rants and raves. Then, how about a place to discuss the books which I seem to be reading more and more? Hmmm, why not combine them all into one hodgepodge of things that keep me busy and mostly out of trouble?

So, here you have "Fossil Knows Best" . . . Enjoy!

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